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Good Measure Meals - Day 2


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Good Measure Meals - Day 2

Jamie Temple

On the menu for our second full day using Good Measure Meals:

  • Vanilla greek yogurt, blueberry compote, honey granola, and toasted almonds

  • Turkey sandwich on rye bread and a baby spinach salad with craisins, walnuts, carrots, and goddess dressing

  • Chicken and dumplings with sauteed green beans and blueberry cobbler

Breakfast - Top left photo - The yogurt was a delicious and a surprisingly filling breakfast. The yogurt to blueberry/granola ratio was perfect. Considering that the per-plate cost is about $8.30 per meal, this is a high price for a yogurt breakfast.

Lunch - Top right photo - This sandwich came with a huge pile of turkey (twice as much as I would put on a sandwich if I made one on my own). This entire meal was delicious; the only negative my husband voiced was that the sandwich should have come with cheese. One interesting item in this meal was the goddess dressing - my husband loved it and I was on the fence. I only used half of the provided dressing since Wikipedia mentioned that anchovies were on the ingredient list.

Dinner - Bottom photo - The chicken and dumplings were good and similar in quality to what I would expect from Panera or Atlanta Bread. The green beans tasted fresh but slightly rubbery. My husband added his green beans to the bowl with his chicken and dumplings to simplify the eating process. We saved the blueberry cobbler for later in the night - the blueberries were tasty, but there wasn’t much cobbler at all. This meal required a separate dish for each item and the items didn’t seem to go together very well. I liked each item, but more thought could have gone into planning this meal.

No meals went in the freezer today.

Good Measure Meals discount code:

  • Code: JAMIE25
  • 25% off any 1 week order (FYI, I will receive a $20 credit for any referrals)

Click below to access the additional sections of this 6 part Good Measure Meals review:

First Thoughts - Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Day 4 - Day 5