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Good Measure Meals - Day 3


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Good Measure Meals - Day 3

Jamie Temple

On the menu for our third full day using Good Measure Meals:

  • Pecan flaxseed bread, turkey patties, and citrus salad

  • Buffalo chicken sandwich with blue cheese spread and baby carrots

  • *We ate one dinner the day we received the shipment, so we ate a dinner on our own this night.

Breakfast - Top photo - My husband thought this was an interesting hodge podge breakfast, but I was happy with it since it was something I would probably throw together on my own. The pecan flaxseed bread was absolutely delicious - I wish they sent an entire loaf! The turkey patties were standard turkey patties. The citrus salad was mostly honeydew and cantaloupe which were a bit on the unripe side and I don’t really think they are considered citrus fruits.

Lunch - Bottom photo - The chicken was messy to heat up since the chicken’s buffalo juice ran everywhere. We both loved this meal and wouldn’t typically have the time to make a chicken breast for lunch, so it was a nice treat. This meal contained the only item that we had to trash so far - lettuce. Luckily for my husband I don’t care for lettuce, so I salvaged the best pieces out of each pack so that he could have some lettuce on his sandwich.

Nothing went in the freezer today.

Good Measure Meals discount code:

  • Code: JAMIE25
  • 25% off any 1 week order (FYI, I will receive a $20 credit for any referrals)

Click below to access the additional sections of this 6 part Good Measure Meals review:

First Thoughts - Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Day 4 - Day 5